WP Theme Selection Factors

Here are a few of the factors on which you should base your WordPress theme selection:




Premium or free

The WordPress community does a great job of supporting each other. There are a number of incredible free themes. But should you be satisfied with these free themes or go for a premium one? Both options have advantages and disadvantages. For example, free themes won’t provide good quality customer support but you don’t have to pay for them.


Niche specific themes

Planning ahead is never a bad thing. What are the features you hope to include in your website? The most important thing here is to choose a theme that suits your business. While it may not make much of a difference in the beginning, if you choose a random theme, it will hurt you as your website grows.



Today most people use their mobile phones to access the internet. This trend doesn’t look like slowing down any time soon. That’s why it is essential to choose a theme which offers mobile compatibility. It needs to be responsive.


Cross browser compatibility

This is imperative when trying to improve user experience. People use various browsers. They aren’t going to be willing to switch just so they can view your website. That’s why you need to build a site which looks great on all browsers.


Plugin compatibility

You will be using a number of plugins on your website. This is one of the main reasons you chose WordPress, right? It’s important you choose a theme which is compatible with most plugins. If you have a list of plugins you’re going to use, make sure the theme is compatible with all of them.



The theme you choose needs to be easily customizable. There shouldn’t be too many coding requirements. If there is a live preview on offer, try customizing your theme before installing/purchasing it. If customization isn’t easy, you’ll be better off choosing some other theme.


Loading speed

There are a number of code blocks in every theme. The performance of themes will depend on the quality of these blocks and the optimization skills of the developers. Some themes even use functions to help improve page loading speeds. Make sure to check speeds before choosing a theme.



Theme selection isn’t difficult when you know the factors to look at. Find a theme which offers everything you want without overwhelming you. Find a theme which can emphasize the contents of your website while not impeding its future purpose. If you want a simple wordpress theme check out our website.